Filing Expenses
Q: I would like to purchase something for the office or my research project. What do I do?
Send Wennie an email with a description of the item, what you would like to use the item for, and a link. If it is a reasonable purchase that will see use, it will likely be approved. If approved, forward the purchase request to the ChE purchasing (
Q: I need to be reimbursed (e.g., for conference travel). How do I do this?
Email Wennie for an account number (do this for each expense as different expenses may get charged to different accounts). Find the EID ( of the corresponding person in ChE in charge of payments, travel & entertainment reimbursement (
Visit either the department's intranet (, which will take you to the administrative applications webpage on UT Direct (
For travel, be sure to *first* apply for a travel authorization request *before* your trip and a travel reimbursement request after your trip. Keep all (itemized) receipts.
Last updated