TACC resources
A major computing resource is the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), managed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) via ACCESS (formerly known as XSEDE)
There is extensive helpful documentation from TACC on each supercomputing machine:
To get access to the computing allocations:
open a TACC (https://accounts.tacc.utexas.edu/register) and ACCESS account (https://identity.access-ci.org/new-user.html)
(optional) link your TACC account with the UT EID login
update the group roster (group members only) with your TACC And ACCESS username
email allocations manager/PI with your username
once you have access, get familiar with supercomputer policies and documentation
Before running any major calculations, be sure to let the PI know first! This is so we can make sure everyone in the group has access to sufficient computing resources.
Last updated