
Proper "Netiquette"

Much of our interactions with people within and outside the university is through email or virtually on zoom. With these changes in communication medium naturally emerges what constitutes as proper etiquette on the web or "netiquette".

"Netiquette" on video conferences

More and more of research occurs through video conferencing. Below are tips for how to best present yourself in a virtual setting

  • Arrive early, especially if you are presenting in a room you are unfamiliar with. Technology hiccups will happen to you at least once in your career, a little buffer time to figure these out is useful to looking professional

  • Test your video, audio, and microphone

  • Make sure whether you need to be the host of the meeting

  • Eye contact with the camera not the screen will give the illusion you are making eye contact with the viewer

  • Have a larger pointer (stand in for a laser pointer)

  • Make sure you have a distraction-free background; or use one of the virtual backgrounds available

"Netiquette" on forums

** Before posting anything on a public forum, please first consult with Wennie **

In general:

  • introduce yourself- name, position, affiliation

  • software version, what system you are running the code on

  • any relevant parts of the output, input

  • a specific question

Below is a compilation of good "netiquette" practices, which are generally applicable elsewhere.

From Wien2k:

Please follow the following "Nettiquette" (depending on your question, at least some of these points should be included in your mail):

- I am running wien version xxx on a machine of type yyy with operating system zzz, fortran compiler aaa and math libraries bbb.- The purpose of my calculations is to get quantity ccc.

- I am running this case (case.struct) using this input (here, case.in1 may be relevant? Certainly give things like XC potential, rkmax, size of k-mesh) and these commands (eg. : run_lapw -p -so from command line, or w2web).

- The program stops at this point, or produces suspicious output here ... This is the content of the error file / the case.dayfile / STDOUT. This is the bottom of the output file (like the part of case.output1 you show below).

- I have already tried the following things (bla bla bla) and they did or did not work, did or did not make any difference. You should also obey the following points:

- Yes, I have browsed the archives AND READ THE USERS GUIDE and the FAQ pages Peter provides, but I couldn't solve my problem that way.

- If suggestions from the mailing list actually solved your problem (or you solved it some other way), would you please share that with us?

From VASP :

From Abinit:

Last updated