Fellowships, Scholarships, Awards
Be active in looking for funding and awards
Why apply?
Prestige- boost future applications competitiveness
Free money! Scholarships are a great way to open up opportunities. Fellowships also often offer a huge bump in your stipend
Once you earn one fellowship/scholarship, other fellowships/scholarships and recognition start to follow
Establish a network with other fellowship/scholarship recipients
Who is a good applicant?
usually >3.2 GPA
involved outside of the classroom
has life experiences that can contribute to your career
What is needed to apply? Usually...
transcripts (check if official ones are needed!)
2-3 recommendation letters
various essay statements: personal, research, etc.
Start thinking and preparing: figure out which fellowships you are interested in/eligible for early; start preparing application materials by the summer before at the latest- many deadlines happen in the Fall semester
Take your time crafting your statements (research, personal, etc.)- it takes many drafts and iterations to polish everything into a strong statement
Talk to your PI, advisor, (faculty or student) mentors: get advice on how to form your statements, get help in editing your statements; people are often willing and eager to help if you just ask
Last updated