Software Resources

Software tools to make your research life easier (with an emphasis on open-source packages)

Particularly useful resources are marked with a **.

Literature search

  • The library: sometimes (old) textbooks are the way to go!

  • Google scholar: the power of Google search but for journal articles, patents, and reviews

  • RSS feeds: get notified about the latest publications via email; most journals have an RSS feed as does Google Scholar

  • **Starting off with a review. Reviews are typically more pedagogical and can help you get the bigger picture understanding. Some common revew journals in our field:

    • Review of Modern Physics

    • Chemical Reviews

    • Accounts of Chemical Research

  • Seminal Papers in the field. See Reading List for a few.

  • Fun way of finding related papers:

Reference management

  • Zotero: collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research. Wennie recommends add-ons like Zotfile for pdf managment and Better BibTeX for better integration with LaTeX. Zotero also comes with a browser plug-in for directly importing a reference from the browser to your library!

  • Mendeley (not open-source but free to use)

  • EndNote (commercial): licenses sold at discount price for UT Austin affiliates

  • VASP (licensed): plane-wave DFT based on PAW pseudopotentials

  • QuantumESPRESSO: integrated suite of open-source codes based on plane-wave DFT and pseudopotentials

  • Abinit: software suite for plane-wave DFT; usually has very user friendly documentation- useful for a highlight of the theory and how it is implemented in code

  • PySCF: quantum chemistry package implemented using Python/C combined

  • Yambo: many-body perturbation theory methods (GW and BSE) and TD-DFT; frequently interfaced with QuantumESPRESSO and Abinit

  • Wannier90: generation and analysis of maximally-localized Wannier functions

  • FHI aims: all-electron code based on numeric atom-centered orbitals

  • Wien2k: all-electron code based on full-potential (linearized) augmented plane-wave + local orbitals [(L)APW] method

  • Gaussian: quantum chemistry code that uses a Gaussian basis set

  • ORCA: DFT and semi-empirical SCF-MO package

Materials research related

  • Pymatgen: open-source Python library for materials analysis, most support for analysing VASP calculations

  • atomate: creating computational workflows; particularly useful for use with VASP

  • Materials Project: web-based access to materials database of crystalline systems

  • Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE): Python library for materials analysis, including lots of support for QuantumESPRESSO calculations

  • MATLAB (or its open source counterpart, Octave)


  • Gnuplot: portable, command-line graphing utility; great for quick visualization

  • Xmgrace: also a command-line graphing utility

  • VESTA: visualize 3D rendered crystal structures

  • Xcrysden: visualize and analyze crystal structures (more diret compatbility with QuantumESPRESSO file format)

  • TRAVIS: visualize and analyze trajectories from MD simulations

  • VMD: also a visualizer for MD trajectories

  • Ovito (Basic edition is free): general visualization for atomistic and other particle-based models

Text editors and word processors

  • **Vim, emacs (emacs org), nano: terminal-based text editors

  • **LaTeX: a document preparation system with high-quality typesetting.

  • LibreOffice Write (and the rest of the office suite): word processor

  • Lyx: WYSIWYG document processor for LaTeX documents; useful for digitized homeworks!

  • Pandoc: near universal document format converter

  • Joplin: take multimedia notes with markdown (images, videos, audio, pdfs, links)

  • Sublime: Text editor with syntax highlighting; handles LaTeX and various coding languages

  • Pycharm: IDE for python

  • Gitbook: publish documentation; integration with Github

Making graphics/figures

  • Python: matplotlib, seaborn, pandas

  • TikZ: make vector figures using LaTeX commands/scripts

  • Asymptote: scriptable vector-graphics language; also compatible with TeX/LaTeX

  • Inkscape: vector graphics editor

  • Gimp: image (bitmap) manipulation

  • LaTeX Beamer: make presentations in LaTeX

  • Reveal.js: make HTML presentations with pretty transitions

Other useful software

  • Git: version control system; Github: platform for building, scaling, and delivering software packages

  • Insync: sync a file system between computers including Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox

  • i3: tile windows automatically in Linux and BSD operating systems

Last updated